Court-ordered Watermaster Service
The Siskiyou County Superior Court has appointed the District to be Watermaster for the Scott Valley and Shasta Valley Watermaster Service Areas. The District is responsible for ensuring decreed water rights are managed so they do not conflict with or cause harm to another decreed right holder. This includes enforcing Water Code Section 4100-4104 and when necessary initiate actions as described in Water Code §§ 4150-4153 and 4175-4178. The District has hired a Deputy Watermaster to perform the tasks necessary to ensure proper management is achieved. The Deputy Watermaster will exercise professional judgment and refer to District policies, procedures and guidelines when adjusting water diversions and identifying potential conflicts or harm to others. The Deputy Watermaster may collect additional water right information or agreements when they effect flow at a point of diversion controlled by the District.
Visit the page Maps/Decrees to view information by service area.
To contact the Deputy Watermaster call (530) 605-6763
Policies and Forms for Court-Ordered Customers: