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The Scott Valley and Shasta Valley Watermaster District (SSWD) is considered a "Special District" and is a public agency without ownership by any individual or corporation. SSWD was created through AB1580 which was introduced by Assembly Member LaMalfa on February 23, 2007 and approved by the Governor and filed with the Secretary of State on October 10, 2007.

​On December 22, 2011 Presiding Judge Laura Masunaga signed the Siskiyou County Superior Court Order to appoint the SSWD as Deputy Watermaster in the Scott Valley, Shasta Valley and Willow Creek Service Areas effective February 1, 2012.  The number of diversions owners served is 285 encompassing 291 diversions.

​The Board of Directors is the policy making body for the SSWD.  The Board of Directors is elected or appointed by the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors as required in AB1580 and must follow Brown Act standards of operation.  The Board hires staff to carry-out the duties of Watermaster and Administration.

​Revenue for the SSWD comes from fees that are billed to diversion owners having court-ordered watermaster service.  Billing is accomplished through property tax bills and a few direct bills for municipalities and irrigation districts.  Business and financial records are managed by the District Administrator.

​As a public entity, the SSWD has a unique opportunity to not only continue to provide a service as required by court order, but to also manage a local Watermaster Program that is available through voluntary contractual agreements with diversion owners (not a requirement or regulation), or other agencies. 

MultiJurisdictionalIssues-2015.pdfFormingDistrict.pdfResponsibility of the watermaster.pdfFAQ-2018.pdfFormingDistrict.pdfInstructions for Printing Brochures.pdfBrochure-CreationOfDistrict2018.pdfBrochure-PowersDutiesOfDistrict2018.pdfBrochure-ServiceAreas2017.pdfab_1580_bill_20071010_chaptered.pdfBylaws Watermaster District 20120229.pdfDistrictOrders-FinalScott 20121220.pdfDistrictOrders-FinalShasta 20121220.pdf